Project — Health Care

dilshan ukwattage
6 min readSep 6, 2021

Problem Domain

In srilanka when we are going to get some medicine if your illness has a interconnection with your previous diseases we need to tell to the doctor what are the diseases we had previously and what are the medicines we were previously taken and what are the medicines we are currently taking for that. Specially when older people went to get some medicine doctor asks or the patient need to say whether they have high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetics and many more. So the patient or else the person who is take care the patient need to answer all these questions and have to remember the previous or else currently taking medicines. There are some drugs which is not good for some patients who has certain diseases. Also there are some drugs which are not good to take both together and there are some scenarios where people get some side effects because the doctor given the medicine, without knowing the patient past history diseases. So some of the drawbacks are,

  1. Sometimes patient need to tell and remember to the doctor what are the diseases he/she had in the past.
  2. patient or else the care person need to remember the medicines that the patient is currently taking and sometimes previously taken.(Most of the times it’s hard to remember the drugs name with the dosage.)
  3. Sometimes doctor should have to ask same set of questions about the patient history, from all the patients.

Health Clinics in srilanka still use a book to record all the patient information and drugs. Sometimes patient need to carry his/her clinic book or else patient clinic book is stored at the hospital and when patients when to the hospital they can get their clinic book. In this case we need to physically stored the clinic books and we have to have person to maintain those clinic books. Some of the drawbacks are,

  1. Not efficient
  2. Have to maintain all clinic books physically and need to store.
  3. Sometimes misplace some patients clinic books.

What if I said we don’t need to do like this anymore what would you think? It will helpful for the patient as well as the doctor right. Before that take a look the below scenario.

let’s say a person got accident and he has taken from other people to the hospital. Then after seen the patient, doctors decided to do a immediate surgery for the patient to stay alive. So doctors need to know some past information about the patient health history. It’s good to know about the patient health history and what are the previous disease he/she had and what are the surgeries he/she done previously because some times doing the surgery without knowing, it will affect to the person health very badly in future. There are some news we heard about these types of scenarios in the past. So in this case doctors need to contact a person who is know this patient. But the things most of the time when happened these unexpected accidents the patient is taking to the hospital by the people in the road at that time. So they don’t know about this patient and his/her history. So doctors and the nurses are facing trouble to find the person’s previous health condition. Sometimes doctors need to wait until one of his/her family member come to the hospital. So it’s better if we can have a system to check all these.

Solution for the Problem

What if I say we don’t need to do like this anymore As I said earlier. Then it will helps to the doctors as well as patients. Some times it will help to save a life. So how this happen?

My solution is implementing a web application where we are registering the patients from day 1. Now you will think what do I mean by day 1 ? Day 1 mean when a new baby born we are registering the baby to the system and assign a patient key. Then time to time when he/she get medicine from a hospital the doctor who is giving the prescription/medicines for the patient has to update the system. Now you will think is it only for the government hospitals. The answer is NO. Doesn’t matter whether it’s a government hospital or a private hospital because all the registered hospital as well as all the registered dispensaries should maintain this system and have to update the system. The doctor who is giving the medicine responsible to update the system. Also patient have a responsibility to ask the doctor whether he/she has updated the system.

So now all the mentioned problems which I told earlier can solve from this system. Now do the patient has to tell about his/her health history? Do the patient has to remember previously taken medicine? Do the doctors need to ask about the health history? For accident scenarios do the doctors need to wait to do the surgery until a family member come. NO NO to the all the questions the answer is No. Patients only need to tell their patient ID to the doctor. Then doctor can search the patient and get all the patient details as well as patient health history details. I know there are some scenarios where we don’t want the patient health history. But in most cases this system can be very useful. So do this system is only maintains patients history? answer is NO. Now let’s talk about furthermore about this system.

Extra Benefits with further more development

Let’s say registered Pharmacies in srilanka can request a report from the Health Ministry. So the person who is in charge can generate a report through this system and give to the requested pharmacies. So they can see what are the medicines/drugs that mostly used by the srilankans. Then they can buy those drugs and store those in their pharmacies. Also importers can get this information and import those mostly selling drugs. So then the patients won’t face any kind of embarrassing.

Also there are some other importance of this system where we need how many heart patients are in our country, How many cancer patients are in our country like wise we can analyze the data with the help of this system. In srilanka still all these information are getting through paper calculations and using other stuff. But through this system we can get real time data.

Is this all. Answer is No. We can expand this system by adding new features/services when we want. There are some special situations that we never faced previously. Think about covid -19, if we had a base system like this we can implement a separate service for covid 19 and we can analyze data. How many covid 19 patients are there? How many people are get vaccinated like wise we can get all the information if we had a system like this.

Architectural diagram


1.Patient — Patient service is responsible to manage all the patient details in the system.

2. Doctor — Doctor service is responsible to manage the doctors in the system as well as creating the patients.

3. Health Ministry Officer— Health ministry officer service is responsible to register new doctors to the system as well as creating other health ministry officer profiles if required.

4. Hospital/dispensary — Hospital / dispensary service is responsible to manage all the hospital and dispensaries information and provide necessary information when requested. Also create new hospital/dispensary in the system when required.

5. Medicine — Medicine service is responsible to adding new medicines to the system and display the medicines to the doctor when adding the prescription.

6. Prescription — Prescription service is responsible to adding a new prescription for the patient and display the patient history prescriptions to the doctor when requested.

7. Clinic — Clinic service is responsible to maintain the clinic details of the particular patient.

Tech stack

1.Front end — Angular

2. Back end — Nest JS

3. Database — Postgresql

4. Data Query and Manipulation — GraphQL

5. Security — Keycloak

6. Containerization — Docker

7. Orchestration — Kubernetes

8. Deploy — AWS

